Thursday, June 2, 2011

Semi Bored Kind of Life

As of recently, I have been delinquent in my blog posting largely because my life post graduation has been about as exciting as a week old saltine cracker. While most people are moving on to their new exciting jobs and lives rather immediately, I am stuck in a two month limbo back at home with my parents, working at the job that i have done in the summer for the past four years. I mean, its not a bad job theoretically and I have learned several valuable lessons such as:
1) I will never like anyone else's children
2) I could never work in retail telling people that clothes that look terrible look good
3) Working outdoors in the sun greatly increases the risk of sunburn, and consequently, melanoma

I am grateful nonetheless that my situation is impermanent and I have something to tell people when they ask me what I am doing with my life. It was very tiring telling people my post grad plan over and over again, and I cant imagine how tiring it would be to tell people that you have no plan and plan to wonder aimlessly until you find a "temporary" job that becomes not so temporary.

The plus side of this lack of stimulation is that my productivity has greatly increased, and I have rediscovered how much better the human body functions without massive alcohol consumption on a daily basis. I ironed clothes for the first time in about a year, ive done meaningful physical activity on a daily basis, cooked food by other means than the microwave, and have started flossing again. Listing these I realize that these are things mentally challenged people master first in learning life skills. I am making great strides towards adulthood.

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