Tuesday, January 11, 2011


In the last oh I don't know three weeks I have been out in the real world that I will soon face post college, I have attracted the attention of every creeper in the Denver Metro area. The first encoutner was at the gym, where a man who seemed to be in his mid 50's, (maybe not, but Ill be generous) propositioned me to switch bikes with him. Mind you, the bikes were exactly the same, same tv viewing angle, etc. I moved over despite being in the middle of my workout- since it meant that much to the guy. He then found it appropriate to rub my shoulder and strike up more awkward small talk upon mounting his coveted bike. Needless to say, I didn't stick around for long.

Then there were the painters downtown. A word to the wise, do not go out on Tuesday nights and expect to be surrounded by normal people. The professional painters came to strike up a conversation and proceeded to flash their colorful business card. Impressive? No. I told the errr uhh entrepreneurs? rather curtly that they had misspelled "licensing" on their business card.  Instead of being embarrassed and running away, they proceeded to get my friend hammered with some vegas bomb shot. She threw up the entire cab ride home on my other friends coat in order to not the let the cab driver know we were ravishing his vehicle. Thanks alot.

Then there was the Av's game. My friend and I had not taken two steps into the Pepsi Center when two men again pushing 50 started putting on the moves and following us. We escaped. The pair found us again when we ran away from a meth addict who asked if he could lick the inside of my friend's ear. I think someone upstairs felt bad for us, because we then ran into our guy friends who protected us the rest  of the evening.

I foresee myself resorting to Match in the future.

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