Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Karen Carol

As Dane Cook says, there is always a person that nobody f******* likes in any group of people. Totally funny because it’s true. This person is generally referred to as the Karen or the Brian, but for our purposes, the Karen Carol. Both names are traditional loser/ outsider names. Do not name your child Karen, or Carol if you want them to be popular because it is not possible. The Karen/Carol always is talking out of turn, offering their two cents regardless of whether anyone wants to hear it or not, and pretending the world gives a rats ass. They don't.  The Karen Carol also asks questions in an attempt to sound intelligent or mask the fact that they are actually making a statement intended to toot their own horn. Loudly The Karen Carol often thinks very highly of herself, and never suspects that she is the Karen Carol in the group. Here are a few signs to determine if you are the Karen Carol. If you meet 3 to 5 of these criteria, you definitely are the Karen Carol.

1)   everyone sighs when you open your mouth
2)   people mumble and walk away when you instigate conversation
3)   you are missing enough of the time to give people time to talk about you
4)   no one every wants to accommodate you, even when you vehlmently express your needs
5)   you don’t know who the Karen Carol is

If you passed, and are not the Karen Carol of the group, here are a few steps to handle the Karen Carol and put her in her place:

1)   Sigh louder when the Karen Carol speaks
2)   Purposefully displease the Karen Carol
3)   Smirk often in their presence
4)   Do not give the Karen Carol a position of power
5)   Play tricks on the Karen Carol and laugh
6)   Be honest, and tell the Karen Carol her function in the group dynamic

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