Monday, November 28, 2011

Things that Don't Make Sense

There are a lot of things that don't make sense that have come to my attention the last couple of days. Studying for law school gives my mind some sort of cry for help, and instead of analyzing cases and law, I do and notice things that do not make sense. For one, why is there a cotton ball in over the counter drugs? I don't know if it is meant to make it appear that there are more pills in the bottle, or if it is just to give the user cotton mouth so they drink water with the pill. Either way-It's stupid. Also, when I turn the TV on and start watching something that im disgusted by, bored by, or find morally defunct, I CONTINUE to watch it. Why? For example, yesterday evening I turned on the 3rd twilight movie. It was stupid. Vampires are stupid. I continued to watch while all of these thoughts meandered through my head. Its like I want to watch something so mindless that I don't even care if it rots my brain. Another thing- they warned us to save more money for finals time in law school because you will be eating out all of the time. I have found that I have cooked more meals during this period in order to avoid studying. I also sat in my car for a solid 20 minutes collecting trash today- of all time to be doing this. Really? Additionally- why do people check themselves out while they do cardio at the gym? Slash why do they have mirrors by the cardio equipment? To remind you how fat you are. No thanks, I think I'll save myself from realizing how stupid I look and watch TV instead

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