Sunday, July 10, 2011

Female Drivers

There are some stereotypes that aren't really stereotypes, just truths. One of these is the fact that women are for the most part terrible drivers. Every time you are driving in the left lane, and there is a person who absolutely refuses to move over in the right lane when the are moving at a snails is a woman 99.9 percent of the time. If its not a woman, its the elderly dude whom you feel somewhat sorry for.

Women are also more distracted drivers. I have found in my very scientific observations that women always text while driving-whereas men do it more sparingly. Not only do women text, but they also eat, put on make up, read and do god knows what else while behind the wheel. I venture to guess that this is because women are more geared toward multitasking than men. At any rate, it makes them bad drivers. My mother is a prime example of this phenomena. I would say that every time we go somewhere in a car she forgets where she is even going and makes a wrong turn. She puts on lip gloss, talks on the phone and fiddles with crap in her purse. She also speeds at the worst possible times, like in school zones, but then insists on going the speed limit on the highway. WTF?  The real kicker is that she says she is scared to drive with me. This would be perfectly understandable because I tend to be a somewhat aggressive driver, but she doesn't even watch the road.

Another factor contributing to women's lack of success with driving is their total ignorance of directions. If you live somewhere for any extended period of time, you should know major highways and streets. Most people who graduated the third grade should also how to orient themselves north, south, east, or west. I found it fascinating that some women I knew struggled with this when there are mountains or an ocean. Those speaking direction gps systems were invented for women.

In summation, women are better at many things that men. Driving is not one of those things

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